Sunday, March 26, 2006

Ajax - The way the web is becoming!

Web is becoming the Ajax way! Many web sites are becoming Ajax sites. Recently I checked out some of the Ajax sites... NetVibes was one among them.This is one of the fewer sites which implemented Ajax long time ago. It was cool! I liked the RSS reader in Netvibes. It was instant and as fast as desktop applications. But i use for reading RSS content. So it will take time for me to shift to NetVibes. Rather shifting to NetVibes I expect MyYahoo to go for Ajax.

Google is the one which popularised the Ajax, by implementing it in Gmail, Google Maps, Google Suggest and many more... Recently Google Finance was released, which is also an implementation of Ajax. Adding fuel for fire, Microsoft recently released Atlas. It is a framework for developing Ajax applications.

Recently AjaxWrite was released. I couldnt check out AjaxWrite because it is asking for
FireFox. There are many similar Ajax word processors on the net. Zoho Writer was another one. We can create DOC/PDF/HTML documents using these online word processors. These online proceesors are said to be the alternative for Microsoft Word. But i feel that these cannot replace Microsoft Word Or Openoffice. I feel that these Ajax word processors are similar to WordPad which we use in windows. Recently Google acquired Writely, another online wordprocessor. Writley is there for quite some time than AjaxWrite and Zoho writer.

What Ajax is?
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) is a group of technologies which make the web applications more interactive than before.Eager to know about Ajax??? The Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications article gives a clear picture about Ajax. This is the article which coined the term AJAX. Ajax involves JavaScript, XML, HTML and CSS. These technologies exists for quite long time... Ajax uses older technologies to create newer generation of applications. New way of creating web applications, which gives rich interactive applications for the user in no time!


At 7:26 AM, Blogger Sudar said...

It’s really true that AJAX has taken the web by storm and nowdays you could see a new web2.0 startup almost every day and the list of websites using them is increasing by leaps and bounds.

BTW all the best with this blog buddy and do keep updating regularly and do allow every one to post comments ;-)


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